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Specialized equipment for Natural Gas and Hydrogen treatment.
Mixers, pressure regulators, safety valves, check valves, among others.


  • Gas mixers and gas dosing systems for two or more gases, especially for high flow rates and highly fluctuating gas mixing demands.
  • Depending on customer requirements, gas mixers are available in different versions for different flow ranges and almost all industrial gases.
  • The gas mixers can be conveniently controlled via intranet, internet or mobile devices.


  • Gas pressure regulators and workstation regulators for almost all industrial gases, pressures and flow rates. Including spring pressure regulators, dome pressure regulators and pressure regulator panels, as well as workstations and modular solutions for safe gas supply.


  • Safety valves or relief valves effectively protect against overpressure by relieving excess pressure of gases (e.g. acetylene, ammonia, argon, CO2, helium, carbon monoxide, methane, propane, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and compressed air) and vapors in piping, tanks and other plant components.


  • Special safety devices such as flashback arrestors or flame arresters protect against flashback or backfire.
  • Flame arresters provide optimum protection against flashback and flashback. They also prevent the creation of potentially explosive gas mixtures in the pipeline.